Oh man! I miss her soooo much!

She would laugh so hard when I "ate" her neck. It was so funny.
This picture is just so Sarah. A woman at the guest house put "black" on her eyebrows. She felt so glamorous...I don't think Gloria approved very much.

She would laugh so hard when I "ate" her neck. It was so funny.
This picture is just so Sarah. A woman at the guest house put "black" on her eyebrows. She felt so glamorous...I don't think Gloria approved very much.
So Cute!
Here is one of the bridges we walked across.
You walk across one bridge to a platform, then another bridge, etc. Typically they have 7 bridges open and you make a circle around. They had one or two of the middle bridges closed for repairs, so we had to walk out and back. It made for some unnerving traffic jams on the platforms.
Taking a quick break as we hike up to the tops of the trees.
This picture kills me. She is soooo cute!
On the way down. Ajua wasn't too thrilled with the canopy walk. She started crying on the third bridge. She wasn't hanging on to me very well and she was slipping down. I couldn't hike her up because the bridge wasn't exactly steady. So I was forced to put her down about 3 or 4 feet from a platform. She freaked out and started crying. I had to hold her arm and scoot her along with my leg. It was pretty funny. When we reached the platform a guide came to get her and carry her for me. We headed back after that.
The ocean at Elmina, the slave castle in Cape Coast.
Ajua watching the waves come and go. She thought it was amazing.
Me, Ajua, and Junior. Junior is Kingsley's youngest son. He is the funniest kid ever. When we arrived at the school for the first time, he came running full speed up to Robert and jumped on him. He loved Robert. Junior was always climbing all over Robert and falling asleep on Robert's lap. I think Robert secretly loved it.
I hope you can see her face in this one. She was so cute at the beach. I was really happy we went, even though the castle was closed and Robert couldn't see it. It's such an important part of Ghana history and truly amazing to see. I was sad Robert missed it.
A very large wave was crashing in - I thought it was a little scary, Ajua was all smiles.
This is the unfinished Kitchen. Next to the kitchen is the unfinished library where books and school supplies will be kept. Again, Kingsley works on these rooms as money comes in. Currently, Gloria cooks for over 300 children every day over coals, outside. If it rains, she moves everything over by the classrooms where there is protection from the rain.
This is the road to get to the school.
Robert and Ajua. She's warming up to him!
Sarah was a little unhappy that I was showing Mathilda attention. She believes no one else should even touch me. She gets upset every time the other children swarm me and she gets pushed out of the way.
We took Mathilda into Accra with us and she had a BLAST! She is so funny! We stopped to eat at Frankies and she cleaned her plate - and I do mean cleaned. She picked every bit of rice off that thing. When she was finished she hopped down from her chair and took her plate up to the servers to return it. lol. It was so funny. She just strutted right up to them and handed it to our server. They were laughing and seemed to thoroughly enjoy her helpfulness. At the school, the children have to return their plates as soon as they are finished so they can be washed and loaded up for the next child. She will LOVE clearing her place after dinner at home, Jennifer!
Driving from the school to our guest house.