SugarHouse Mama

Friday, January 8, 2010

One Year Anniversay!

Today is special to me. One year ago yesterday Adjoa came home! She flew in around 11 pm on the 7th - we were so excited! I paced around the airport waiting and waiting. She was quite sleepy, but recognized me right away and snuggled up to me. I carried her on my back out of the airport and we drove straight home.

We spent a few moments walking around the house together - she freaked out when she saw Eden - like screaming freaked out. They are best friends now. About half way into our Hawaii trip this Christmas, Adjoa went into the bathroom and came out with tears streaming down her face. When questioned about why she was so upset, she said, "I miss Eden!" It was so cute.

Anyway, I can hardly believe it has been a year already! She is amazing and special and I am so lucky and blessed to have her as my daughter!

We went to breakfast this morning to celebrate - breakfast was the first meal we had together at home. I figured it would be a great way to celebrate how blessed we have been this year.

We love you, Adjoa!


Calmil2 said...

Oh, I remember when you posted the "surprise, look who is home" blog post. I can't believe it has been a year. She is so darn cute!!!! It has been fun following your journey.


The first thing I do when I see her picture is SMILE! She is SO DANG CUTE! Happy one year anniversary!!!

Laurel said...

Wow! Can't believe it's been a year. She is so ADORABLE!!! Love her hair!


mama of many :)

Lois said...

Gorgoeus pictures of her, you really captured who she is. HUGS!

Kara Busath said...

She is beyond cute, and I can't believe it's been a year!

Brandon, Sonjia and Avery said...

For some reason I can't believe it's only been a year. It seems like you've had Adjoa forever! :) Yeah for year anniversaries!!

Shannan said...

She is so cute. I remember meeting you way back in the beginning of your process and now you are the mommy. You guys are a great family. Are you adopting again?
Your hawaii pictures make me jealous!