SugarHouse Mama

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas from Ghana!

I took this sweet vid of some school children practicing Christmas songs. I think it's such an appropriate image of Christmas: endearing little voices in Africa singing about the birth of the Savior of the world, asking us all to adore Him.

Merry Christmas!


disabilitydiva said...

Very sweet! Thank you for sharing! BTW the nativity has been successfully integrated into BAJAs train set. LOVE IT!!!

Aunt Katie and Uncle Chuck said...

Merry Christmas to you!! Enjoy Hawaii for us, too. Tell Pa and Nana Hi!

We Love You, all!

Brendan and Mary said...

Thank you for sharing that sweet video! Merry Christmas!


Johnathan West said...

I enjoyed this video and your blog. It's fun keeping tabs on you. You have a cute family Jessica. I'm impressed with your generosity. Thanks again for all the great memories at SUU. You always were such a great friend. Merry Christmas!!

Jace said...

This is your old friend Jace Burgess. I also spent some time in Ghana, (I lived in an area called Pig Farm in Accra) but I was wondering if you had any recipes for fufu, jollof, or red red.. if so, could you email them to me at if so that would be super. I miss that stuff..