This means William will have enough supplies to last several months, even if something happens and Becky can't return as soon as she is expecting.
Here's the email:
I have an update for everyone...I HAVE EVERYTHING I NEED FOR WILLIAM!!!All the gauze, all the Telfa, all the Kerlix, all the antibiotic ointment. I have it all. I even have extra coming today. I'm counting donations that I don't have in my possession yet, but I know they're on their way. I'm set. And, the best part is, that's three months worth. I'm just taking it all with me right now, in case there is some sort of emergency that prevents me from going back.
When I originally asked for donations, I asked for 6 weeks, knowing I would need at
least 12 weeks worth of bandages. People just kept sending things. So, I recounted, and we were so close to everything that we needed, that I just decided to ask my church for help. Their donations, plus the donation from the person who would prefer to remain anonymous has REALLY helped. Amazing.YOU DID IT!!!! In a "recession:", with the economy so bad, everyone still donated a ton to help. We even had a little extra money. I bought 4 cases of nutrition. Well,
I bought 3 and the lady at Nestle's Health Nutrition line included a fourth case. That stuff is SO expensive. But, it will mix into stew SO well, they won't even know it's there. And, it adds 300 calories of protein to each meal. Amazing.I plan to save the extra funds, see what is REALLY needed and then when I go back, I'll just bring it with me. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! AND, THANK YOU!!!!
I am overwhelmed by everyone who helped get me to William and to get William the supplies he needed! To Jessica and all of Jessica's played a HUGE part in getting things I needed. I was able to buy supplies like a good, accurate thermometer to help me watch for signs of infection with William. I didn't have to worry about "scraping" together the money out of my account. I knew he would need it, and you provided it. When William is done with it, I will leave it at Lucky Hill in the First Aid kit, and it will benefit countless other children. I told Lois that I worried about money and supplies SO much, that I didn't know how much I could help without the right equipment. I worried about practicing "pioneer" medicine. Now, I don't have to worry as much. William has SO many more resources now than I ever thought possible. And, all of this is a step toward all the children at Lucky Hill being given more opportunities for advanced medical care. THANK YOU!!!!
Thank you, Becky, for being willing to go help William! None of us could help him without you! Actually, I don't think I've ever wanted to be a nurse before (too tough for me to handle), but this has made me sort of wish I could do the job.... at the very least so I could go back to Luckyhill and spend time with all those sweet, sweet children!
That is awesome that way this boys needs are being met. Amazing!
I love to see the FAMILY of God in action, at attention serving others!
Thank you!
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