So I don't even know where to start but I've been getting phone calls and emails, so I better update my blog.
As most of you know, there was a fellow adoptive mom in Ghana filing some paperwork. We had all our ducks in a row for Adjoa to come home before Christmas. Of course, we needed someone to sit by her on the plane and watch her sleep for half the flight. I figured another mom who has been in my shoes would understand. Not the case. She felt like she needed to rest on the flight back. {I know some of you have already pointed out that we would be meeting the person in NY and that would give her time to rest, but you can't really say that to the person who said 'no, I'm not willing to help you.'} She felt it was the best decision for her family.
Anyway, we put the word out there and had a lot of help from many of you {THANK YOU!}.
We had people volunteer to travel {who were not planning on flying at all, let alone making a 17 hour trip to Africa and back} if we could round up a ticket. We had several people with friends and family flying but they were either on a different airline {we had already purchased her ticket with Delta} or they weren't expecting to travel for a while.
Robert and I are both so grateful for the kindness and selflessness everyone has shown. Even perfect strangers have been willing to help - it brings tears of gratitude to my eyes just thinking about you all.
At this point, our quickest option is the Westerby family. Ginny was planning on traveling with her 8-year-old daughter to Ghana to bring home baby Esther. She volunteered immediately to travel by herself with 3 children! Ticket prices dropped and now they are planning on coming home January 5th!
Another adoptive mother, Lori, offered to bring Adjoa home around the middle of January when she is going to get her son.
Our dilemma now is the airfare to and from New York. Anyone ever flown to or from New York around the 1st of the year???? It's not pretty. It's $700 not pretty, in fact.
We have officially paid more in unexpected airfare than our entire adoption cost.
So we are faced with paying more than $500 above standard airfare to bring her home on the 5th or waiting a few more weeks and saving $500.
A mother in crisis, missing her daughter's first Christmas should NOT be expected to make a decision like that.
Any help/advice you care to offer????
The Villainy You Teach Me Will Go Hard
1 week ago
So sorry that things haven't worked out for Adjoa to be home for Christmas.
Praying for you!
Oh Jessica! I just HURT for you! I thought that surely someone would be able to make a quick trip from here to there for you.
I know how completely WIPED I am when I'm coming home, and how much I need rest at that point, but it's still hard to understand why someone already coming back couldn't do it. I'm sure they are doing what feels right. It just stinks for a mommy and daughter (and daddy) trying to be united for Christmas!
Still praying for a Christmas miracle for you. As far as the money--if there's a way to come up with the extra $500 I don't think you will ever regret spending the ENTIRE new year with your daughter! Also (I am the queen of justifying)...if you can get her home before the new year it makes all the difference in when you can apply for the Adoption Tax Credit! 2009 or 2010?
Great point on the tax credit, Anita. Spend the money now and get it back in 3 months, or spend the money next month and wait a year to get it back. Hmmm.....
Lots to think about ... for a mommy that just wants her baby home.
Laurel :)
Hi Jessica,
I'm in the Luckyhill group and I've been following your blog for sometime now. I had my husband contact a super nice friend who is a pilot for Skywest and he said he has some passes that could probably get you into White Plains. You could then take a train to JFK. He said he'd be happy to help if he can. If you're interested, let me know and I can give you more details. By the way, my mom and several other family members live in Sugarhouse. I feel like we're practically neighbors.
I'll try find your email through the yahoo group and contact you that way too.
Kara Busath
I tried sending you a message through the yahoo group but I don't think it worked. Our friend called back and said he could now get you a free standby ticket on Delta from SL to JFK and back. He checked dates around 1/5 and said you would be able to get on a flight. Let me know if that would help you in some way.
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