SugarHouse Mama

Friday, June 20, 2008

Photo Book Fools

Aimee came over last night to help me make a photo book for Sarah. After much deliberating and a little stressing (on my part) we got most of it finished and then watched the So You Think You Can Dance results show.

I finished it up this morning and took some snapshots of it to share with you. It's almost cute enough to be worthy of Sarah!

Thanks for your help Am! (Not only is she an experienced scrapbooking 'sounding board', Amy kept me sane. Because I'm a perfectionist who fears everyone is judging my ability, I was stressing that this book would be considered a direct reflection of my mothering capacity. Amy would say 'that's ridiculous!' and then slap on some glue and paste a picture down.)

Here's to recognizing when you are being ridiculous!


Aimee Smith said...

So cute all finished! And if the time and effort you spent on it IS a reflection of what kind of mother you will be... then Sarah is the luckiest girl ever!

Jess said...

What a cute book!!! I am so excited for you guys and can't wait to meet Sarah! So do you have any clue as to when she will be yours?? CONGRATS and we will keep you in our prayers :)

Emily Taylor said...

That little book brought tears to my eyes. I'm just so excited for your new little family.

TLM said...

I sure hope the books don't reflect our abilities to parent! You would get parent of the year and I wouldn't even get honorable mention! Your book is adorable! Good luck on your journey!
