We are doing Christmas early this year, since we will be in San Diego until after New Years. I was not about to load up a bunch of presents so Santa could come on Christmas Day. I explained to Adjoa that we would be gone for Christmas.
A: "Oh NO! How will Santa know where we are?"
M: "Well. Mommy is really smart. I told Santa we would be gone, and do you know what? He's just going to come early to our house!"
We had some friends who were very concerned about Christmas coming early. Well, the mother was concerned. She didn't want Adjoa to tell her kids that Santa already came and have her kids freak out. So I told Adjoa that this was a special arrangement and that Santa was coming early. Adjoa's too young to really understand that it's not Christmas day, so the explanation was more for the benefit of other people. And in case Adjoa said she already had Christmas, I didn't want any problems with other kids or their parents.
Anyway, we planned on having Christmas a couple days before we have to leave for San Diego so she has some time to play with her awesome haul.
It's sort of a Barbie Christmas this year. Which was fun for me. I must admit, I've missed Barbie. Chambra and I used to play Barbies for hours, I swear. It's pretty much the main thing I remember about childhood. So maybe Adjoa's Christmas is a way for me to share something I loved when I was a kid, or maybe it's an excuse for me to play with Barbies again. Probably, it's a little of both.
Adjoa's Christmas pile. I totally love the dollhouse. It was from my dad and it's the bee's knees. It's wooden, has great colors, and is perfect for super-cool Barbie. Adjoa is in love with it and wanted to take it to San Diego. Sorry, girl. That's exactly why we are doing Christmas early.
Perfect picture to capture the early morning excitement of Christmas. You KNOW you should still be in bed, and you're uber tired, but IT'S CHRISTMAS!
Get ready for the cheese. This is the best Christmas present I could ask for. Adjoa's smile melts me every time. She is beautiful, sweet, kind, and always tries her best. She's totally awesome. And I feel perfectly fine bragging about her because I was not at all responsible for any of it! She's just a doll and it had nothing to do with me. My job is to try to help her stay that way!
Merry Christmas!
The Villainy You Teach Me Will Go Hard
3 weeks ago
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