We spent New Years Eve day at the San Diego Zoo with Tom and the kids. It was a blast and the kids had so much fun.
Jacob was a doll - he was so excited about all the different animals.... until nap time, that is.
Adjoa loves spending time with her cousins, especially Brandon. Over Thanksgiving, they had a love/hate relationship that can only happen between a 4 year old and a 5 year old. She was, of course, thrilled that she would get to see Brandon again.
Here's some shots at the zoo. I took them with my blackberry, so the quality isn't the best.
Oh well.
Riding a hippo with Jacob and Madison. Brave kids!
Getting a seal's eye view of the tourists. Maddie, Tom, Seal, Adjoa, Jacob, Robert.
Caterpillar and Butterfly. Pretty accurate, don't you think?
The petting zoo was a big hit. Adjoa is determined to have a goat.
Practicing her animal husbandry skills. The goat seems to be faring quite well.
Adjoa, Jacob, and Maddie feeding the goat.
I love this picture! Jacob got a kick out the how the goats eat. He thought it was sooooo funny.
The Villainy You Teach Me Will Go Hard
3 weeks ago